Prevent Your Pet From Being Lost Forever!
Wearable Lost & Found Technology that Responsible Pet Parents Need.

1 in 3 pets get lost in their lifetime
That's a lot of pets – 10 Million a year in the USA! Make sure your pet is protected BEFORE they're gone for good with GeniusTag's best-in-class lost pet technology.
Effortless 24/7 Pet Protection
Notifications, Information & Technology to Keep Your Pet Safe – It’s So Easy.
- Arm Your Pet With A Digital Profile
- Get Notifications Fast
- Coordinate Safe Return Home

Order Your FREE Tag Today
GeniusTag is the smart ID tag powered by our full suite of lost pet technology. Instant notifications when your pet’s tag is scanned. Critical health, dietary and behavioral information available immediately for their rescuer.

Regular Price: $39.95
Today's Price: FREE
With GeniusTag, Finding Your Pet is as easy as 1, 2, 3
Get Alerts Fast
When your pet's tag is scanned you'll receive powerful alerts.

We've Got You Covered
GeniusTag takes your pet's rescuer through an easy few steps to reconnect you with your pet.

Connect and Take Action
GeniusTag does all the heavy lifting, notifying you and your rescuer with critical information and walking you through from rescue to reunion.

Plus, your pet’s digital profile tells their rescuer the important care details they need
GeniusTag can instantly communicate everything that your pet can't. This helps keep them safe until they're back, safe with you.

Full GeniusTag Features
Unlock all the powerful protection that GeniusTag can deliver when you activate your pet’s protection plan.
National Alert Network
With 1-click, send alerts to nearby pet parents to aid in your search.

Instant SMS & Email Alerts
We send instant notifications to your SMS and email, and call you directly.

Pet Profile to Educate Rescuer
Medical, behavioral and dietary needs so your pet gets what they need.

Real-time Rescuer Communication
Powerful technology connects you to your pet's rescuer.

Lost Pet Flyer Generation
We generate a personal pet flyer instantly, that you can share with 1-click.

Instant Local Flyer Distribution
Click to share your lost pet's information with regional animal shelters, Humane Societies and more.

Join Thousands of Responsible Pet Parents

It's simple, easy and so much protection for your pet!
- GeniusTag Lifetime member since 2022
My pet already has a microchip. How is GeniusTag helpful?
When a microchipped pet is found, they must be brought to a vet's office and scanned to identify who its owners are. In contrast, your pet's GeniusTag can be seen and scanned immediately when they're found, and you receive an instant alert. The person who found your pet can then share their contact details in real-time and arrange your pet's return. No vet visits required!
If my pet is lost, how does GeniusTag proactively help me find them?
If your pet goes missing, GeniusTag allows you to take immediate action:
- Lost Pet Flier: Quickly generate a Lost Pet Flier complete with your pet's name, photo, and of course a way to contact you if they are found by someone outside of your family & friends group
What happens once my lost pet's GeniusTag is scanned?
You will instantly receive both an SMS and email notification alerting you that your pet has been found. The person who found your pet and scanned their GeniusTag will then have all the information they need to keep your pet safe and will also be able to instantly share their contact information with you.
How does GeniusTag help empower the person that finds my pet to return them safely?
The person who finds your pet has one very important job - keeping them safe until you are able to reunite. GeniusTag provides important information to the person who has found your pet, guiding them on the best way to care for your pet. This includes any special needs your pet may have, such as medication or dietary restrictions, especially if they've been injured.
Order Your FREE Tag Today
GeniusTag is the smart ID tag powered by our full suite of lost pet technology. Instant notifications when your pet’s tag is scanned. Critical health, dietary and behavioral information available immediately for their rescuer.

Regular Price: $39.95
Today's Price: FREE